If you need to be right before you move, you will lose. Speed trumps perfection. Perfection is the enemy of good when it comes to crisis management.
Read MoreThe worst news can be transformational. Being told I had cancer was an awful moment but it created a turning point that helped change my life.
Read MoreIn her TED talk on vulnerability Brene Brown said, “connection is why we are here. It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives”. Yet I see so many colleagues, ultimately with the same end goals working at cross-purposes with one another.
Read MoreNew research has found that a majority of managers in the UK have admitted to putting their company’s interests above the wellbeing of their staff. This isn’t the way.
Read MoreWhy being more courageous personally and professionally will unlock creativity, innovation and ultimately success.
Read MoreA coaching culture can lead to greater productivity and innovation; but it takes courage and investment to create the change.
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