Lisa and Buddy
Hello, I’m Lisa Barnwell, heart-connector, compassionate change-maker and visionary problem solver.
As Founder of Leadership Redesigned I work at the intersection of human potential and organisation change, holding conversations, coaching and training to facilitate shifts in the hearts and minds of today’s top leaders and the culture and ‘operating system’ they are a part of.
In order to simplify our complex organisational and societal needs, I help leaders reconnect, expand emotionally, up-level exponentially and model new ways of working that bring people together with focus and clarity.
Passionate and willing to challenge outdated thinking and behaviours, I see a world where our masculine and feminine energy is in balance allowing us to value collective heart intelligence and mental intelligence.
In distilling 20+ years of personal and professional depth work, deeply listening to the challenges faced by global and national organisations (3M, Lufthansa, Microsoft, and the NHS) alongside entrepreneurs, start ups and founders, I understand the behaviour that will lead to success and failure. Coaching high performers and high achievers, I’ve advised on talent and wellbeing strategies, encouraging disruption and new ways to ‘be’ so that whatever chaos or challenge a leader is navigating, they have the capacity and skills required.
Learning from some of the world’s “best” in high performance, human potential, heart intelligence and systems change - think Brendon Burchard, Brenė Brown, Jean Houston, Nicholas Janni, Otto Scharmer and Dr. Claire Zammit - alongside emergent and expanded conscious thinkers such as Indra Adnan, Bodhi Aldridge, Greg Bradden, Sahana Chattopadhyay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Pam Gregory, Nassim Haramein, Lynne McTaggart, Nipun MehtaIf, Anneloes Smitsman and the Heart Math Institute - I value science and mystical magic! Experiencing deep loss, bereavement and critical illness helped me feel first-hand the power of our hearts, our need to heal trauma and the urgency to unite.
Practically that means co-creating ‘A new OS for leaders’ with inner expansion at its core.
Working collaboratively with Inclusion Partners, Dr. Scilla Elworthy and team at The Mighty Heart, Purposeful Change and Token Man Consulting I lead, support, design and deliver leadership development and culture change projects to help leaders up-skill and understand who they need and want to be and become.
As an IAC® Certified Masteries Coach (CMC) and Certified in Transformational Coaching and Leadership with The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership (designed for women by women but available for all) their tools were developed for women but can work for EVERYONE) my work is underpinned by the 9 IAC® Coaching Masteries™, 11 ICF Core Competencies and teachings from The Inner MBA®. My work aligns with the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework and teaches many of the 23 skills and qualities needed to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Previously I founded and created a parenting clinic and consultancy, personally coaching and caring for over 2000+ high performing women (and many of their partners) as they transitioned to parenthood whilst expanding their careers in banking, finance, property, law, TV and media. Talking widely about the power of the ‘pregnancy brain’ and the emotional intelligence businesses can leverage when they adequately support and value this transformational journey. The multi-disciplinary therapy team I led helped empower around 10,000 women and their families, to show up differently and challenge outdated norms. Whilst I’ve worked with large corporates many of my clients also come to me privately. Safety and confidentiality is always assured.
“Masterful coaching has the ability to change the world in positive, powerful and remarkable ways.”