Transformational One-to-One and Group Heart-Centred Executive Coaching for Leaders
“The leadership we need now does not try to escape the complexity of the world, but rather develop a capacity for effectiveness that acknowledges that the fundamental reality is one of inherent unity. ”
One-to-One Coaching
Do you lead from your head up?
Do you want to go from “me” to “we” thinking, be more balanced and bring both your empowered masculine and feminine energy forward so you can move from isolation, disconnection and competitive thinking to a more connected, embodied, heart-centred and compassionate style of leadership?
We’re going deeper into an intense period of change with old structures and outdated ways of working crumbling and many leaders recognising their leadership skills and style need to change but are not sure how or what exactly to do.
If you want to show up as an inclusive, energetic leader who drives change effectively (without driving yourself into the ground) you’ll likely need support to expand your self awareness and transform your connection to yourself.
I help leaders stuck in the ‘knowing - doing’ gap accelerate into a new way of being. With ease.
You may know what’s now expected of you - to listen more, speak less, rapidly pivot, realise the potential of others, fail fast and cope with ever increasing complexity, uncertainty and difficult decisions whilst nurturing your teams - but consistently doing leadership differently and being the leader you know you’re here to become… that requires support.
If that’s you or your team, I’ve got you.
Who are you being right now?
A leader - likely in a fairly senior role - maybe leading a business transformation or culture change programme, but definitely needing to role model new leadership behaviours whilst -
working at pace in a high stakes complex business.
going through a major life transition - perhaps a relationship breakdown or sensing into a change of career.
taking on a new senior role and lacking allies and the deep confidence to be less ‘alpha’ and more authentically you.
realising that success in your professional life is coming at the cost of your health and happiness and is unsustainable.
How you likely feel (sometimes, not always)..
Tired, impatient, vulnerable, anxious, overwhelmed, disconnected, isolated or alone, depressed, fearful, angry, frustrated…
or maybe excited and hopeful but lacking focused support, structure, and compassionate accountability to co-create change.
“We’ve had the reckoning, now it’s time for the beckoning. Call yourself forward with compassion and intent.”
How will we work together?
Deeply but at pace - usually a 90 day sprint over 5 sessions - using powerful, practical and proven metaphysical tools and exercises to realise a tangible result quickly, helping you to:-
review where you are and identify the most critical shift you’re ready to see. What are your pain points and the cost of staying where you are for you, your organisation or those around you?
question the assumptions you have around your own self-concept, the behaviours of others and what your beliefs are about how life is or isn’t - realising the impact and releasing the blocks or beliefs that are no longer serving you.
(re)connect to your wise self, transform and embody who you are ready to become. (A key step many traditional executive coaches miss).
create a robust plan to help you move forward and test out your new behaviours before we agree next steps, up-levelling your sense of accountability and success.
We will use a leading Transformational Model that will accelerate how you:-
up level and lead without the self doubt, emotional conflict, mental exhaustion or restrictive ways of thinking, feeling or acting that are hampering your energy, relationships, performance and happiness.
move into a place of expansion and new possibilities.
increase how you connect with and include others, expanding loyalty, communication and trust.
recognise and release the impact of shame, blame, guilt, sense of lack (not being “enough”) and take accountability for empowering and inspiring other leaders to do the same.
embrace your growth edges and cultivate a culture of collaboration and creativity.
bring your future reality forward.
“It’s been such a pleasure to work with you, you’ve been a great source of strength, love, care and inspiration. ”
Quantum Group and Team Coaching - Hybrid programmes
Quantum group and team coaching whether delivered online, in person or in a hybrid format harnesses the creative and energetic power of the group and field to activate, energise, and expand possibility and up-level results 6-10X*.
It will accelerate how you..
• identify unspoken collective hidden blocks and barriers that are holding the group/team back
• create confidence through the opportunity to hold space for others - a critical skill for leaders
• develop capacity to make growth-oriented meanings through witnessing - ditto above
• encourage a playful team spirit throughout any transformational process
• spark inspiration, share support and accountability, building your collaboration skills IRL.
Being part of a Leadership Accelerator™️ group coaching programme and container will ensure you access the same cutting-edge coaching and facilitation techniques to build the critical skills necessary for your leadership to progress in the same way as in my one-to-one coaching programmes, but as a shared group experience which is often faster and can feel more fun. Expect aha’s, breakthroughs and a deeper sense of connection with others.
Through the creation of leadership development and in-house working parent coaching programs for groups and individuals I’ve a proven track record of delivering a high-quality learner experience and ROI.
As a natural communicator and relationship builder I achieve high levels of connection and engagement and make depth work feel safe to explore.
I’ve worked with many leaders including those at Savills, 3M, Google, Shell, Clifford Chance, DTZ, Lufthansa and Barclays.
This training can be taken as a stand-alone for a collective or combined with one-to-one coaching for all, or some of your team.
*Shown to enable results 6-10 times faster than individual coaching or online courses alone.
“Thank you so much for the coaching service and support you provided. It has been a sterling investment and some of the best money I have ever spent!”