Read MoreThe theme throughout 2022 is to know yourself so deeply that your actions are in complete alignment with your soul.. Kari Samuels
And Just Like That a whole year has passed. 2021 in a nutshell and the themes to take forward into a New Year.
Read MoreRead MoreMen and women deserve better than a culture of dominance-based masculinity which churns out broken men
Many leaders - especially men - have not been raised to be open to reflection or introspection, or consider emotional triggers that play a part in decision making. But our feelings affect us all and influence our behaviour in subtle but powerful ways.
Read MoreIf you need to be right before you move, you will lose. Speed trumps perfection. Perfection is the enemy of good when it comes to crisis management.
Read MoreWhen LinkedIn Learning released the most in-demand skills of 2020, garnered from their network of 660+ million professionals and 20+ million job ads, there was one change on the soft skills list compared to last year.
Read MoreIt's easy to lose the connection with ourselves and others but leaders who are equipped to have difficult conversations with empathy when emotional conflict arises, are the ones who will help their people through uncertain times.
Read MoreWas 2019 a good year for you? Try this simple ritual to boost your wellbeing and ensure you start the New Year strong.
Read MoreThe worst news can be transformational. Being told I had cancer was an awful moment but it created a turning point that helped change my life.
Read MoreOur mental health and mindset is priceless and no amount of money can replace it. Catching our thoughts as we think them, and asking if they're serving us well can save us precious time and energy and help us make a wise course-correct if required.
Read MoreIn her TED talk on vulnerability Brene Brown said, “connection is why we are here. It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives”. Yet I see so many colleagues, ultimately with the same end goals working at cross-purposes with one another.
Read MoreMasterminds may not be for everyone but for me it’s been a game-changer. I have a network of experts I trust completely, who help develop, stretch and support my goals.
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